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Set the parameters using the input Scalar. This block should also work with compatible Tektronix AFG31XXX instruments. Params: connection : VisaConnection The VISA address (requires the CONNECTION_AFG31000 block). source : select, default=1 Choose the channel to alter. parameter : select, default=frequency Choose the parameter to alter. input : Scalar The value to change the selected parameter to. Returns: out : Scalar The input value
Python Code
from flojoy import flojoy, Scalar, VisaConnection
from typing import Literal
connection: VisaConnection,
source: Literal["1", "2"] = "1",
parameter: Literal[
] = "frequency",
input: Scalar = 90,
) -> Scalar:
"""Set the parameters using the input Scalar.
This block should also work with compatible Tektronix AFG31XXX instruments.
connection: VisaConnection
The VISA address (requires the CONNECTION_AFG31000 block).
source: select, default=1
Choose the channel to alter.
parameter: select, default=frequency
Choose the parameter to alter.
input : Scalar
The value to change the selected parameter to.
The input value
afg = connection.get_handle()
if parameter == "frequency":
afg.write(f"SOURCE{source}:FREQUENCY {input.c}")
elif parameter == "amplitude":
afg.write(f"SOURCE{source}:VOLTAGE:AMPLITUDE {input.c}")
elif parameter == "offset":
afg.write(f"SOURCE{source}:VOLTAGE:OFFSET {input.c}")
elif parameter == "phase":
assert (
-180.0 <= input.c <= 180.0
), "The phase must be between -180 and 180 degrees."
afg.write(f"SOURCE{source}:PHASE:ADJUST {input.c}DEG")
elif parameter == "pulse_wdith":
afg.write(f"SOURCE{source}:PULSE:WIDTH {input.c}")
elif parameter == "ramp_symmetry":
assert 0 <= input.c <= 100.0, "The phase must be between 0 and 100%."
afg.write(f"SOURCE{source}:FUNCtion:RAMP:SYMMETRY {input.c}")
return Scalar(c=input.c)
Example App
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This app uses the Tektronix tm_measure library and Flojoy vary the output frequency of an AFG31000.
First the necessary blocks were added:
- 2x
Each of these blocks must change the connection
parameter to the correct instrument. The source used was CH1 so all the blocks were changed to turn this output on and to affect this channel only. To vary the frequency between 1 kHz and 10 MHz, the parameter param was changed to “frequency” for INPUT_PARAM_AFG31000
and SCALAR 1
was set to 680.2721. SCALAR 2
was then set to 1.47 which will multiply the last parameter by 1.47 each loop. LOOP
was changed to loop 25 times. This resulted in frequency values of ~1.0, ~1.5, ~2.2 kHz, etc. until ~10 MHz.
The blocks were connected as shown and the app was run.