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NumPy Overview

Welcome to Flojoy’s NumPy Blocks. Here are all the NumPy functions we support out of the box!


CHOLESKY The CHOLESKY node is based on a numpy or scipy function.
DET The DET node is based on a numpy or scipy function.
EIG The EIG node is based on a numpy or scipy function.
EIGH The EIGH node is based on a numpy or scipy function.
EIGVALS The EIGVALS node is based on a numpy or scipy function.
EIGVALSH The EIGVALSH node is based on a numpy or scipy function.
INV The INV node is based on a numpy or scipy function.
MATRIX_POWER The MATRIX_POWER node is based on a numpy or scipy function.
PINV The PINV node is based on a numpy or scipy function.
QR The QR node is based on a numpy or scipy function.
SLOGDET The SLOGDET node is based on a numpy or scipy function.
SVD The SVD node is based on a numpy or scipy function.
TENSORINV The TENSORINV node is based on a numpy or scipy function.