import logging
from pymeasure.instruments import Instrument
from pymeasure.instruments.validators import strict_discrete_set, strict_range
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
WL_RANGE = [1480, 1620]
LOCK_PW = 1234
class KeysightN7776C(Instrument):
This represents the Keysight N7776C Tunable Laser Source interface.
def __init__(self, adapter, name="N7776C Tunable Laser Source", **kwargs):
super().__init__(adapter, name, **kwargs)
locked = Instrument.control(
':LOCK?', ':LOCK %g,' + str(LOCK_PW),
""" Boolean property controlling the lock state (True/False) of the laser source""",
values={True: 1, False: 0}
output_enabled = Instrument.control(
""" Boolean Property that controls the state (on/off) of the laser source """,
values={True: 1, False: 0}
_output_power_mW = Instrument.control(
'SOUR0:POW?', 'SOUR0:POW %f mW',
""" Floating point value indicating the laser output power in mW.""",
get_process=lambda v: v * 1e3
_output_power_dBm = Instrument.control(
'SOUR0:POW?', 'SOUR0:POW %f dBm',
""" Floating point value indicating the laser output power in dBm."""
_output_power_unit = Instrument.control(
""" String parameter controlling the power unit used internally by the laser.""",
values={'dBm': 0, 'mW': 1}
def output_power_mW(self):
self._output_power_unit = 'mW'
return self._output_power_mW
def output_power_mW(self, new_power):
self._output_power_mW = new_power
def output_power_dBm(self):
self._output_power_unit = 'dBm'
return self._output_power_dBm
def output_power_dBm(self, new_power):
self._output_power_dBm = new_power
trigger_out = Instrument.control(
""" Specifies if and at which point in a sweep cycle an output trigger
is generated and arms the module. """,
values=['DIS', 'STF', 'SWF', 'SWST']
trigger_in = Instrument.control('TRIG0:INP?', 'TRIG0:INP %s',
""" Sets the incoming trigger response and arms the module. """,
values=['IGN', 'NEXT', 'SWS'])
wavelength = Instrument.control('sour0:wav?', 'sour0:wav %fnm',
""" Absolute wavelength of the output light (in nanometers)""",
get_process=lambda v: v * 1e9)
sweep_wl_start = Instrument.control('sour0:wav:swe:star?', 'sour0:wav:swe:star %fnm',
""" Start Wavelength (in nanometers) for a sweep.""",
get_process=lambda v: v * 1e9)
sweep_wl_stop = Instrument.control('sour0:wav:swe:stop?', 'sour0:wav:swe:stop %fnm',
""" End Wavelength (in nanometers) for a sweep.""",
get_process=lambda v: v * 1e9)
sweep_step = Instrument.control('sour0:wav:swe:step?', 'sour0:wav:swe:step %fnm',
""" Step width of the sweep (in nanometers).""",
values=[0.0001, WL_RANGE[1] - WL_RANGE[0]],
get_process=lambda v: v * 1e9)
sweep_speed = Instrument.control('sour0:wav:swe:speed?', 'sour0:wav:swe:speed %fnm/s',
""" Speed of the sweep (in nanometers per second).""",
values=[0.5, 1, 50, 80, 200],
get_process=lambda v: v * 1e9)
sweep_mode = Instrument.control('sour0:wav:swe:mode?', 'sour0:wav:swe:mode %s',
""" Sweep mode of the swept laser source """,
values=['STEP', 'MAN', 'CONT'])
sweep_twoway = Instrument.control('sour0:wav:swe:rep?', 'sour0:wav:swe:rep %s',
"""Sets the repeat mode. Applies in stepped,continuous and
manual sweep mode.""",
values={False: 'ONEW', True: 'TWOW'})
_sweep_params_consistent = Instrument.measurement(
"""Returns whether the currently set sweep parameters (sweep mode, sweep start,
stop, width, etc.) are consistent. If there is a
sweep configuration problem, the laser source is not
able to pass a wavelength sweep.""")
sweep_points = Instrument.measurement(
'sour0:read:points? llog',
"""Returns the number of datapoints that the :READout:DATA?
command will return.""")
sweep_state = Instrument.control('sour0:wav:swe?', 'sour0:wav:swe %g',
""" State of the wavelength sweep. Stops, starts, pauses
or continues a wavelength sweep. Possible state values are
0 (not running),
1 (running) and
2 (paused).
Refer to the N7776C user manual for exact usage of the
paused option. """,
values=[0, 1, 2])
wl_logging = Instrument.control('SOUR0:WAV:SWE:LLOG?', 'SOUR0:WAV:SWE:LLOG %g',
""" State (on/off) of the lambda logging feature of the
laser source.""",
values={True: 1, False: 0})
def valid_sweep_params(self):
response = int(self._sweep_params_consistent[0])
if response == 0:
return True
elif response == 368:
log.warning('End Wavelength <= Start Wavelength.')
elif response == 369:
log.warning('Sweep time too small.')
elif response == 370:
log.warning('Sweep time too big.')
elif response == 371:
log.warning('Trigger Frequency too large.')
elif response == 372:
log.warning('Stepsize too small.')
elif response == 373 or response == 378:
log.warning('Number of triggers exceeds allowed limit.')
elif response == 374:
log.warning('The only allowed modulation source with lambda logging \
function is coherence control.')
elif response == 375:
log.warning('Lambda logging only works Step Finished output trigger configuration')
elif response == 376:
log.warning('Lambda logging can only be done in continuous sweep mode')
elif response == 377:
log.warning('The step size must be a multiple of the smallest possible step size')
elif response == 379:
log.warning('Continuous Sweep and Modulation on.')
elif response == 380:
log.warning('Start Wavelength is too small.')
elif response == 381:
log.warning('End Wavelength is too large.')
log.warning('Unknown Error!')
return False
def next_step(self):
Performs the next sweep step in stepped sweep if it is paused or in manual mode.
def previous_step(self):
Performs one sweep step backwards in stepped sweep if its paused or in manual mode.
def get_wl_data(self):
Function returning the wavelength data logged in the internal memory of the laser
# Using pyvisa's method bypassing the normal read.
return np.array(self.adapter.connection.query_binary_values('sour0:read:data? llog',
def close(self):
Fully closes the connection to the instrument through the adapter connection.