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Connecting to Keysight B2962A by Keysight in Python

Instrument Card

The Keysight B2962A source / measure unit (SMU) is a 6.5-digit low noise power source that provides a power supply and source solution that meets the difficult measurement challenges researchers, designers, and developers face working on advanced components, circuits, and materials.

Keysight B2962A

Device Specification: here

Manufacturer card: KEYSIGHT


Keysight Technologies, or Keysight, is an American company that manufactures electronics test and measurement equipment and software

  • Headquarters: USA
  • Yearly Revenue (millions, USD): 5420
  • Vendor Website: here

Demo: Measure a solar panel IV curve with a Keithley 2400

Connect to the Keysight B2962A in Python

Read our guide for turning Python scripts into Flojoy nodes.